About us

Cooperation and collaboration

Cooperation of professional groups with diverse attitudes

Where people of diverse professional groups with different socialisations, cultures and linguistic communication styles closely work together misunderstandings and tensions are not uncommon. Consequently, preventive actions relating to behaviours and relationships, in other words self-reflection and a look at the overall conditions of work, play a central part in creating a working environment that’s conducive to health.

Prevention and positive leadership behaviours were also central to this change project in a key department of a major insurance company in which medical staff and members of other professional groups closely work together. Understanding each other and making oneself understood is a daily challenge here that’s not to be underrated. Consequently, in supporting this process, we encouraged the stakeholders to give their ability to understand others a new try – and to explore new ways of making themselves understood. New joint experiences, including elements of experiential education, guided the stakeholders towards new perspectives and a willingness to accept the various views of the world without preconceived notions.

Tools used

  • Support of more than 100 top executives.
  • Experience-focused workshops and large-scale events.
  • Interactive formats including experts in the fields of change consulting, medicine and experiential education.